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Our Flock’s Favorite Slope Snack: What to Eat on the Chairlift

Our Flock’s Favorite Slope Snack: What to Eat on the Chairlift

Our Flock’s Favorite Slope Snack: What to Eat on the Chairlift

Ah, the chairlift. Terrifying for beginners, but eventually, it comes a respite from your action-packed day on the slopes. Our advice for staying on the slopes longer and feeling your best? A go-to chairlift snack that’ll give you the boost of energy you need. There is a wide range of options in this category, but we prefer items that meet the following criteria:

  • Portable: You likely only have your ski jacket pockets available for storing your chairlift snacks, so seek out anything that you can easily take on the go. 
  • Easy to unwrap: If you’re holding your Mingos, you might need a snack you can open or unwrap with just one hand. In that case, you may want to look for treats that can fit in a Ziploc bag or anything else that doesn’t require too much effort to munch on. 
  • Protein-packed: The fuller you feel, the longer you’ll spend on the slopes. So, anything with protein—think cheese or peanut butter, can lengthen your ski session before you’re ready to hang it up for the day.
  • Tasty: Sometimes, you just need a jolt of energy from your favorite piece of candy. 

With all of these factors in mind, here are a handful of our Flock’s favorite foods to take on the chairlift. In addition to asking members of our team, we also reached out to members of the Mingo Flock to narrow down our list of chairlift snacks.

  • Sandwiches: Is there anything more perfect than a classic PB&J? The carb- and protein-packed sandwich is easy to wrap up and pack in your jacket pocket, and it’s one of those tried-and-true chairlift bites. The salty, sweet, carby goodness is also incredibly portable.


  • Protein bars: Another handheld snack that can keep you energized? Your favorite protein bar. The Flock prefers Clif and Barebells bars.


  • Cheese: Not to be cheesy, but some of our longest stretches on the slopes wouldn’t be possible without Mini Babybels. They’re so small, you can fit a few of them into your pocket and eat one in between each run.


  • Candy: Are you a sweet-and-salty or sour candy kind of person? Whatever your preference, we love any opportunity to eat our favorite treats. Peanut M&Ms, Starburst and Sour Patch Watermelon are our recommendations, especially because you can match them to your Mingos. Pro tip: Pre-open the bag or place these into a Ziploc for easier mid-chairlift maneuvering. 

We love our chairlift snacks, but make sure to pack whatever fuels you while you’re on the mountain. The most important thing is to stay nourished and hydrated for the best experience possible.


Written by Blake Bakkila
